Monday, December 13, 2010

Poems For Goddaughter

I am still here!

I dived a bit, because in December, the time always racing. I've taken a little bit and started several things at once, and then bursts in the KSK also wants documents from the past 5 years to the authority of my to review membership, and the social welfare office in Soest, which claims to have proved that I am still not able to pay for my ex-wife maintenance. Paperwork, wherever the eye looks.

This blog was not served, yet it is important to me. I have yet to report on some readings, and there is a stack of books that I want to present here. Well today was the offer of a guest post by Angeline Bauer, which discusses a book that is very dear to her heart. Morning to read here!
I can recommend by the way, sometimes on Angeline's new and very well designed website look ( ) and then to read one of her books - More will certainly follow it!


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